That it was our eleventh birthday already and that ONE is entering its twelfth year of service? Who would have thought, back on October 15th, 1952, that one big state, Illinois, would by now have abolished unconstitutional and discriminatory laws against homosexual behavior?

Who would have thought that ONE itself could have taken its right to publish the truth about homosexuality to the United States Supreme Court and have won out over the United States Post Office?

Who would have thought that in just eleven years ONE Magazine would not only be the oldest homophile publication in the United States, but the best-selling one in the world, read by not less than 25,000 men and women each month?

Who would have thought that in so short a time ONE would have published books, would support a journal highly respected in scientific circles (ONE Institute Quarterly), maintain another monthly (ONE Confidential), that it would have held countless seminars, lectures, symposia, dramatic performances and art exhibits attended by thousands of persons?

Who would have thought that ONE would have given comfort and aid to thousands of social service cases, that it would for years have maintained a unique adult education facility, ONE Institute; that ONE's staff should have taken part in large numbers of forums, radio and tv programs; that its work should have been described in countless articles in English, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Japanese?

ONE is one the move. It has great plans. It will carry these out for the benefit of all homosexuals, just as it has for more than a decade now. It has achieved a momentum that makes it a respected force in the world today.

In the next four pages ONE has tried to answer your questions about what it is, what it stands for, and how it accomplishes its work. If you believe in this work, remember . . .

It takes money to do things for the millions of men and women who are forced to live today as second-class citizens. Send in your check TODAY to help. Remember, you may help anonymously if you wish.







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Los Angeles 6, California